Walking-Way to stay fit

Walking is an easiest way to stay fit and live longer. It provides minimal risk of injury compared to other strenuous physical exercises. Walking at a pace of 3–5 m/h is classified as moderate intensity physical activity. Epidemiological studies suggest that even walking slowly is better than no walking. Moreover, walking faster and more frequently (45-60 min/day & 5 days a week) confers larger health benefits.

Here are some health benefits of walking:

  • Good for your overall health including lungs, heart, blood circulation system
  • Very effective in blood pressure control. It also lowers blood cholesterol and prevents cardiovascular disease
  • Can help maintain a healthy weight. Therefore, prevents obesity and obesity related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer
  • Regular walking when combined with dietary supplementation of Calcium and Vitamin D,helps your bones stay strong. Thus walking prevents osteoporosis, a disease in which your bones become thin, fragile and easily fractured
  • Can be effective in reducing pain and stiffness of joints in Arthritis
  • A good way to manage depression

No matter how enthusiastic you are to walk, it is always advisable to progress gradually. Therefore, in the first two weeks, 20 min/day, 100 min/week of walking should be enough. Gradually extend your time between 45-60 min/day.

Remember: If you haven’t been exercising regularly or over 45 or have heart disease or hypertension, you should see your doctor before starting your walking plan. Few tips to stay safe while walking:

  • Avoid paths with uneven turf, holes or cracked sidewalks
  • Cautiously choose your footwear to avoid slipping
  • Be careful about cars
  • Walking against traffic is a good idea as you can see the vehicles approaching to you
  • Avoid wearing headphones while walking.You should remain alert to prevent sudden accidents
  • Always carry a cell phone to make an emergency phone call if needed
  • Wear dress having reflecting materials on it if you need to walk after dark
  • Stay hydrated.Water helps cool your working muscles and replenish the fluids you loss while walking
  • In every 20 min, drink a cup of water, especially in hot weather

While walking if you experience: severe shortness of breath/pain in chest/palpitations in your heart/tightness in the chest or severe dizziness: See your doctor immediately.